Divorce Recovery

Divorce can leave you raw and exposed. Your emotions may become overwhelming and increase your need of a non-judgmental ear. The season of divorce often requires additional support or a place to grieve the losses.

Another truth regarding divorce is many seize it as an opportunity to grow from the experience. Divorce Recovery provides a freedom to focus and care for yourself that may have been overlooked during marriage.

Your needs will most likely change as you navigate uncharted waters post-marriage. We have the maps to guide you through the rough seas. Our goal is two-fold. During the most stressful times we provide a safe harbor to anchor in safety. During more temperate weathered days we empower you to explore the new world.

Why did we choose the picture of the “Nemo” & Sea Anemone to represent Divorce?

This Nemo & Sea Anemone represent Divorce RecoveryThe clownfish (“Nemo”) is able to find peace in a place most fish find painful. To a multitude of underwater predators, the sea anemone has tentacles to be avoided. The sting of the anemone is painful unless you have the mucus skin of the clownfish.

Let us assume divorce is the “sting” to be avoided. The personal growth that could derive from the situation, and the unscathed appearance to those who see the success on the other side, could parallel the clownfish who seems like an anomaly to the underwater world.

If you have been “stung” by divorce, we want to help you build resilience in your life and offer a safe place during your transformation.